Part II: Part Menu
Fireworks 8 in which, for the menu, there are some improvements that together, we should say some commands in the actual use still play a very important role. In this section, we highlight a few of the menu changes deserves our attention, for some small details of the changes, we will not do here introduced.
First, the menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice" command
Fireworks family has always maintained the menu "Edit | Insert | slice" command, in Fireworks 8 in the menu "Edit | Insert | rectangular slice" command replaced by the corresponding is a new menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice "command, which are accustomed to use Fireworks to create web pages of my friends is a very effective menu command, because some friends in the production page, always strive for perfection, even if the same is true for the slice of the set. Although, in previous versions of Fireworks, you can through the property inspector to insert polygon slices, but the variability for complex objects, using hand-drawn approach to join the polygon method of slicing large charge air force should, and now easy , only one command can be realized into a complex-shaped slices.
[Example of a complex polygon into sections] To test the menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice" command's efficiency, we choose to draw a star in the editing area automatically deformed shape of the object and gain all the different ways to be tested.
(A), the basic shape of the polygon into sections.
1, open Fireworks, the new file, the file size, background color freely.
2, in the "Automatic Shape Properties" panel, click the "Insert new automatic shape" drop-down menu, select "star", the "star" shape of the object's properties automatically be a set of "points" based 25, the others can keep the default settings.
3 star object selected, press "Ctrl + J" key combination or click the toolbar's "Merge" button to the path of their combined operation, the shape of the object is automatically converted to the path object.
4, select menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice" command, the editor immediately will be added on a star-shaped object with a slice object.
[Note:] need to insert polygon slices operation command source object must be a path object, if the shape of the object automatically, or bitmap objects, will not add the polygon slices, but automatically add a cover the size of the rectangular slice object. This is what we have to the "star" automatic object implementation of the "merge" the reason why the path operation.
(B), deformation of polygonal objects into slices.
1, through the "Automatic Shape Properties" panel, insert the "star" objects. For the "star" shape of the object properties automatically be a set of specific set content See next chart.
2, through the relevant settings, the editor of the star-shaped object as shown below shows the effect, it should be said to be a very complex path to object.
3 Similarly, the selected star-shaped object deformation, press "Ctrl + J" key combination or click the toolbar's "Merge" button, the path to merge its operations into the path of its target.
4, select menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice" command, the editor on the same star will add an object the same shape and deformation of the slice object.
[Note:] by the cases shows that as long as a single closed path, no matter how high the complexity of the path object, insert polygon slices for the command is not affected.
(C), manually drawn into complex shapes of the polygon slice.
1, select the toolbox of "pen" tool, in any editor you think enough to draw a closed path of complex objects.
2, select menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice" command, the editor will be added on the same path of an object you draw the same object with the shape of the polygon slice.
[Note]: the path must be closed to perform the operation command Insert polygon slices, if the path is open, then, Fireworks will automatically be played before the path of nodes connected with straight lines to form a closed path and then insert polygon slices.
(D), the path for the synthesis of polygonal objects into slices.
The above three examples are done on a separate path objects into polygon slicing operation, and if we do more than path to target the relevant synthetic route operation, also can directly insert polygon slices it, here we look at the actual operating results.
[Tip]: In order to facilitate understanding, we only use two path objects to the operation of the synthesis path, and then do insert polygon cutting edge synthetic route operation.
1, in the editor to draw four objects: draw 3 star object, its points are set to larger values, draw a rectangle object, in order to facilitate understanding, we will be placed in the editor as shown by the first said:
2 to the above two objects in a group, the following two objects in a group will have its position adjusted for a 1, respectively, at the intersection of the state of its specific effect as shown below.
[Note]: placement according to individual circumstances to be left unattended, this case is just a general description, not a special case, in the hope people pay attention.
3, has two objects on the above, following the implementation of the two objects menu "Edit | synthetic path | joint" command, the editor would object at this point as shown below.
4 Next, we were on the up and down the implementation of the two synthetic route object menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice" command, you can see the path of the object above is not as expected as we insert polygon slices, slice it into rectangles , following the path object is a polygon into sections as required, see the new section under the multilateral plan into effect.
5 Next, we removed the earlier steps, return to Step 2 of the operating state. Afterwards, the two objects on the implementation of the above menu "Edit | synthetic path | merge" command, then the following two objects on the implementation of the menu "Edit | synthetic path | punch" command, the editor would object at this point as shown below.
6, respectively, up and down the implementation of the two synthetic route object menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice" command, you can see up and down the path of two synthetic objects into a rectangular section, see the following diagram results.
[Summary]: The path for the individual object, no matter how complex the path of the object, use the menu "Edit | Insert | polygon slice" command can be inserted with the path of the object are the same slice object; but the path for the synthesis of the object, as long as there is not continuous path, will all form a rectangular slice there. Therefore, this requires us to insert polygon slices before the end of the path the object should be, the need for synthetic route for this operation to avoid non-continuous path generation, so the expected insert polygon slices. Last look at a diagram, look deeper impression.
If the synthetic pathway, then there is little need for special attention, even if the path is continuous, in some cases, there will not insert polygon slices of the situation, that is, the path command through the operation of the combination to form the hollow effect The synthetic route object, the object even if the path is closed, will remain an elusive insert polygon slices command appears after the desired effect you want, but the form of a rectangular slice insertion, see the drawing of a demonstration of understanding.
From the above, we conclude that a relatively comprehensive conclusion: If you need to select the object into polygons if the operation command section, we must ensure that the closed path object as a separate object.
What about the Chart object, if you want to insert polygon slices, then, will need to use to the next to introduce the menu "Select | The Marquee converted to Lu Jing" command Xianzhuan Hua as the path object, and then use the command to insert the Duo Bianxing slice to achieve the ultimate goal. Please look at a simple image manipulation diagram, the specific menu "Select | the marquee into the path" command to use, see below.
Second, the menu "Edit | Library" command group
Select menu "Edit | Library" command, you can appear as shown in Fireworks 8 comes with a library object, a "Thumbs, themes, animation, bullets, buttons, and Halo Lite" six groups of libraries and other objects, but which The Thumbs library object which is not the content, but do not know why.
In fact, in the last section for the "library" panel we have had some introduction, we are talking about the "library" command and the "Library" panel there is a certain relationship, but the two are not the same as that something needs your attention .
Click any of a library object, here select the Halo Lite object editor dialog box will appear to import components, as shown below, click a component object to any of them, and then click "Import" button, you can achieve The object of the imported components.
Components into an object will automatically appear in the "Library" panel which can be called at any time for future.
Third, the menu "Select | the marquee into the path" command
If you were to select Fireworks 8 which brings you the biggest change is the touch, what would you choose? If it were me, I choose the section about to be introduced to these two commands. The emergence of these two commands and improvements made to the bitmap in Fireworks in the processing operations to some extent become a more flexible manner, and also for the constituency of control, and more accurately select the. On the specific use of the two commands, we will do through the back of the instance of the operation of a detailed description.
銆??鍏跺疄鍦?Fireworks 鍏堝墠鐨勫涓増鏈腑閮藉湪涓嶅帉鍏剁儲鐨勫浼犲叾鐭㈤噺鍥惧瀷鐨勫鐞嗚兘鍔涳紝骞朵笖鏈夌殑鏈嬪弸鍦ㄧ悊瑙?Fireworks 鍜孭S鐨勫尯鍒殑鏃跺?涔熶細鎷垮嚭杩欎竴鐐瑰効鏉ヨ浜嬪効銆備絾鏄疉dobe鐨処llustrator鍦ㄧ煝閲忓浘褰㈢殑澶勭悊涓婁竴鐩撮兘鍦ㄤ笟鐣屽彛纰戜笉閿欙紝搴旇璇存瘮 Fireworks 鐨勭煝閲忓埗浣溿?澶勭悊鍔熻兘瑕佸己涓婅澶氥?鍦?Fireworks 8 閲岄潰鏂板鐨勨?灏嗛?鍙栨杞崲涓鸿矾寰勨?鐨勫懡浠ゅ浜庡湪鐭㈤噺鍥惧舰鐨勫鐞嗕笂搴旇璇存槸涓?ぇ杩涙锛屾帴涓嬫潵锛屾垜浠?杩団?鍒朵綔鐭㈤噺鍗¢?浜虹墿鈥濈殑瀹炰緥鏉ョ湅鐪嬭繖涓懡浠ょ殑寮哄ぇ鎵?湪銆?br />
銆??瀹炰緥1 鍒朵綔鐭㈤噺浜虹墿
銆??璇锋敞鎰忥紝鏂囩珷鐨勬爣棰樺緢鏄庣‘锛屾槸鈥滃埗浣溾?锛岄潪鈥滅粯鍒垛?锛屽ぇ瀹跺彲瑕佸垎娓呫?椋庣瓭鏈汉涓嶆槸浠?箞缇庢湳浜哄+锛屼篃鏃犱换浣曠編鏈姛搴曪紝涓嶄細鍦ㄨ繖閲屽啋鍏呯編鏈伐浣滆?鏁欏ぇ瀹垛?缁樺埗鈥濅换浣曠殑鍥惧舰鏁堟灉锛屾垜浠湪鏈緥涓槸瑕侀?杩囨瘮鐓х幇鎴愮殑浣嶅浘鍥惧舰瀵硅薄锛岄厤鍚?Fireworks 8 杞欢鐨勪娇鐢ㄦ潵鍒朵綔鍑虹煝閲忓浘褰㈠璞℃潵銆傝鍏堟潵鐪嬩笅闈㈠埗浣滃ソ鐨勭煝閲忓崱閫氫汉鐗╅?鍨嬶細
銆??鏈緥绱犳潗鏂囦欢涓嬭浇锛?8KB, Winzip鍘嬬缉鏂囦欢锛?銆?簮鏂囦欢涓嬭浇锛?8KB, Winzip鍘嬬缉鏂囦欢锛?br />
銆??1銆佹墦寮?Fireworks 锛屾柊寤烘枃浠躲?瀵煎叆鏈緥鎻愪緵鐨勭礌鏉愭枃浠讹紝浠ュ鍚庨潰鎺ヤ笅鏉ョ殑鎿嶄綔銆?br />
銆??3銆佹斁澶х紪杈戝尯瑙嗗浘锛屽彂鐜拌劯閮ㄧ殑閮ㄥ垎杞粨鍙婂叾澶村彂鐨勫唴閮ㄨ疆寤撴病鏈夎閫夊畾銆?br />
銆??姝ゆ椂鍙互閰嶅悎Shift閿紝鍦ㄦ湭琚?瀹氱殑杞粨澶勫崟鍑婚瓟鏈杩涜閫夊尯鐨勫彔鍔狅紝杩樺彲浠ヤ娇鐢ㄦ洿涓虹畝鍗曠殑涓?嫑锛岃繖涓篃鏄?Fireworks 8 鏂板鐨勪竴涓潪甯告湁鏁堢殑鍔熻兘浜嗭紝閭e氨鏄?鍔ㄦ?閫夊彇妗嗏?銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄨ繖閲屽彲浠ュ皢瀹瑰樊鍊煎姞澶э紝鍙樹负70澶氱殑鏍峰瓙锛屽彲浠ュ彂鐜帮紝鍒氭墠鍓╀綑鐨勬湭琚?涓殑閭d簺杞粨绾夸篃琚?涓簡锛岃繖鏍峰氨瀹屾垚浜嗚疆寤撻儴鍒嗙殑閫夊彇宸ヤ綔銆?br />
銆??[琛ュ厖]锛氬姩鎬侀?鍙栨鐨勫姛鑳戒粙缁?br />
銆??瀵逛簬鍏堝墠鐨?Fireworks 鐗堟湰鏉ヨ锛屽鏋滀娇鐢ㄩ瓟鏈宸ュ叿瀵逛綅鍥惧璞″仛浜嗛?鍙栨搷浣滃悗锛屽閫夊尯涓嶆弧鎰忕殑璇濓紝灏卞彲鑳介渶瑕佸瀹瑰樊鍊煎仛涓?釜鏇存敼锛岀劧鍚庡啀娆¤繘琛岄?鍖虹殑閫夊彇鎿嶄綔銆傝?鍦?Fireworks 8 涓紝鍔ㄦ?閫夊彇妗嗗姛鑳界殑寮曞叆浣垮緱閫夊尯閫夊彇鐨勫伐浣滃彉寰楄交鏉句簡璁稿锛屼綘鍙互棣栧厛鎸夌収缁忛獙璁惧畾涓?釜鍚堥?鐨勫宸?锛屽浣嶅浘瀵硅薄杩涜閫夊尯閫夊彇鎿嶄綔锛屼竴鏃﹀浜庨?鍖虹殑澶у皬鍖哄煙涓嶆弧鎰忕殑璇濓紝鍙互鐩存帴鍦ㄥ睘鎬ф鏌ュ櫒涓婂瀹瑰樊鍊煎仛杩涗竴姝ョ殑鏇存敼锛岃?鏇存敼鐨勭粨鏋滀篃浼氶┈涓婂弽搴斿埌閫夊尯涓婂幓锛岃繖鏍峰浜庨?鍖虹殑鎺у埗灏辨柟渚垮緱澶氫簡銆?br />
銆??渚嬪锛屾垜浠渶瑕佸涓嬪浘鐨勪簯褰╃殑褰㈢姸鍋氫竴涓?鍖虹殑閫夊彇銆?br />
瀹瑰樊鍊间负鈥?0鈥濇椂鐨勯?鍖?br />
銆??棣栧厛瑕佷繚璇佸睘鎬ф鏌ュ櫒涓婄殑鈥滃姩鎬侀?鍙栨鈥濈殑澶嶉?妗嗗浜庨?瀹氱姸鎬侊紝鎺ヤ笅鏉ュ氨鍙互瀵瑰宸?鍋氳繘涓?鐨勮皟鏁翠簡锛岄?杩囪皟鏁村宸?鐨勫ぇ灏忥紝鍙互鐪嬪埌缂栬緫鍖轰笂鐨勯?鍖轰篃浼氶殢鐫?宸暟鍊肩殑鍙樺寲鑰屽揩閫熺殑杩涜鐫?彉鍖栵紝涓?棪鍑虹幇浣犻渶瑕佺殑閫夊尯褰㈢姸锛屽嵆鍙粨鏉熷瀹瑰樊鏁板?鐨勮皟鏁翠簡銆?br />
銆??瀹瑰樊鍊间负鈥?3鈥濇椂鐨勯?鍖?br />
瀹瑰樊鍊间负鈥?4鈥濇椂鐨勯?鍖?br />
銆??鍏充簬鍔ㄦ?閫夊彇妗嗙殑浠嬬粛灏辫繖涔堝浜嗭紝瀵逛簬璇ュ姛鑳界殑鐞嗚В闇?澶у閫氳繃瀹炶返鏉ュ叿浣撲綋浼氫簡銆?br />
銆??4銆侀?鎷╄彍鍗曗?閫夋嫨|灏嗛?鍙栨杞崲涓鸿矾寰勨?鍛戒护锛屽嵆鍙皢浣嶅浘浜虹墿鐨勬?浣撹疆寤撹浆鍖栦负璺緞瀵硅薄锛屽涓嬪浘鎵?ず銆?br />
銆??6銆佹帴涓嬫潵锛屽氨鎸夌収绗?鍒扮4姝ョ殑鎿嶄綔鏂规硶锛屼緷娆″浜虹墿鐨勫叾浣欓儴鍒嗗仛杞崲涓鸿矾寰勭殑鎿嶄綔锛屽濉厖棰滆壊鍙婂叾鎻忚竟鍋氱浉搴旂殑璁剧疆锛屼竴涓煝閲忕殑浜虹墿瀵硅薄椹笂灏变細鍦ㄧ紪杈戝尯鍑虹幇浜?鏈緥鐨勫埗浣滀篃灏卞鍛婄粨鏉熶簡銆?br />
銆??[灏忔妧宸锛氬湪杩涜閫夊尯杞崲涓鸿矾寰勬搷浣滀箣鍓嶏紝鍙互鍏堝皢宸ュ叿绠变笂鐨勫~鍏呴鑹蹭簳鐨勯鑹查?杩囨淮绠¢?鍙栵紝灏嗗叾璁句负鍜岄渶瑕佽繘琛岃浆鍖栫殑鍖哄煙鐩稿悓鐨勯鑹诧紝杩欐牱灏卞彲浠ラ伩鍏嶅皢鏉ュ啀娆″鍏堕鑹插仛璋冩暣鐨勫伐浣滀簡銆?br />
銆??鍥涖?鑿滃崟鈥滀慨鏀箌灏嗚矾寰勮浆鎹负閫夊彇妗嗏?鍛戒护 鍜?鑿滃崟鈥滈?鎷﹟淇濆瓨浣嶅浘鎵??鈥濆懡浠?br />
銆??缁忚繃涓?鏃堕棿鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浼拌鏈変簺鏈嬪弸瀵逛簬涓?釜鍔熻兘鐨勬敼鍙樺簲璇ュ緢鏄笉閫傚簲鐨勶紝閭e氨鏄師鏉ラ?杩囧湪灞傞潰鏉夸笂閰嶅悎鈥淐trl鈥濋敭鍗曞嚮璺緞瀵硅薄灞傦紝浠庤?蹇?鑾峰緱璇ヨ矾寰勫璞$殑閫夊尯锛屼絾鏄繖涔堝疄鐢ㄧ殑鍔熻兘鍗翠笉鐭ヤ负浣曞湪 Fireworks 8 涓帿鍚嶅叾濡欑殑鍙堟秷澶变笉瑙佷簡锛屼釜浜鸿涓衡?灏嗚矾寰勮浆鎹负閫夊彇妗嗏?鍛戒护灏辨槸瀵硅繖绉嶆搷浣滄柟娉曠殑涓?釜鍙樼浉璋冩暣锛屽綋鐒剁敤璧锋潵涔熶笉鑳借涓嶆柟渚匡紝涓嶈繃瀵逛簬涔犳儻浜嗚?鐗?Fireworks 鐨勭敤鎴锋潵璇达紝鍙堝緱閫傚簲涓?笅瀛愪簡銆傚鏋滄妸鈥滃皢璺緞杞崲涓洪?鍙栨鈥濆懡浠ゅ拰鈥滀繚瀛樹綅鍥炬墍閫夆?鍛戒护缁撳悎璧锋潵浣跨敤鐨勮瘽锛屽湪瀹炴垬涓?鏄湁寰堝ぇ鐨勪綔鐢ㄧ殑锛屼笅闈㈡垜浠?杩囧埗浣滃ゥ鏋楀尮鍏嬩簲鐜棗鐨勬晥鏋滐紝鏉ュ杩欎袱涓懡浠ゅ強鍏朵笌涔嬬浉鑱旂郴鐨勫懡浠ゅ仛涓?釜浜嗚В銆?br />
銆??瀹炰緥2 鍒朵綔濂ユ灄鍖瑰厠浜旂幆鏃梋
銆??婧愭枃浠朵笅杞斤紙215KB, Winzip鍘嬬缉鏂囦欢锛?br />
銆??1銆佹墦寮?Fireworks 锛屾柊寤烘枃浠讹紝澶у皬銆佽儗鏅壊闅忔剰銆?br />
銆??4銆佸悓鏃堕?瀹氫袱涓矾寰勫璞★紝鍏嬮殕瀹冧滑锛岀劧鍚庢斁缃埌涓変釜鍦嗙幆鐨勪笅鏂瑰眳涓殑浣嶇疆锛屽彲浠ラ?杩囧睘鎬ф鏌ュ櫒瀵瑰叾鈥淴銆乊鈥濈殑鏁板?鍋氱簿纭皟鏁淬?璋冩暣瀹屾瘯锛屼緷娆″皢鍦嗙幆璺緞瀵硅薄鐨勫~鍏呰壊鍋氫竴涓缃紝鍏蜂綋鐨勯鑹茶缃垜浠弬鐓уゥ鏋楀尮鍏嬫棗甯滄潵杩涜锛屾渶缁堥鑹茶缃畬姣曞悗鏁堟灉濡備笅鎵?ず銆?br />
銆??6銆侀?涓厠闅嗙殑钃濊壊鐨勫渾鐜璞★紝閫夋嫨鑿滃崟鈥滀慨鏀箌灏嗚矾寰勮浆鎹负閫夊彇妗嗏?鍛戒护锛屽脊鍑衡?灏嗚矾寰勮浆鎹负閫夊彇妗嗏?鐨勫璇濇锛屽杈圭紭閮ㄥ垎鍙互鍋氣?瀹炶竟銆佹秷闄ら敮榻裤?缇藉寲銆佲?绛変笁椤圭殑璋冩暣锛屾湰渚嬮?鐢ㄤ簡榛樿鐨勨?娑堥櫎閿娇鈥濇晥鏋滐紝鍗曞嚮纭畾鎸夐挳鍗冲彲銆?br />
銆??7銆佹鍒诲厠闅嗙殑钃濊壊鍦嗙幆瀵硅薄浼氭秷澶憋紝浠d箣鍑虹幇鐨勬槸涓?釜鍦嗙幆褰㈢姸鐨勯?鍖烘锛屼笉瑕佸彇娑堥?鍖烘锛屾帴涓嬫潵椹笂閫夋嫨鑿滃崟鈥滈?鎷﹟淇濆瓨浣嶅浘鎵??鈥濆懡浠わ紝鍦ㄥ脊鍑虹殑鈥滀繚瀛樻墍閫夆?鐨勫璇濇涓紝鍙互鐪嬪埌淇濆瓨閫夊彇妗嗙殑鍐呭宸茬粡澶уぇ澧炲己浜嗭紝鍒殑鏆備笖涓嶇锛屾垜浠彧闇?鍦ㄢ?鍚嶇О鈥濇爮鍐呯粰鎴戜滑闇?淇濆瓨鐨勮繖涓?鍙栨閿叆涓?釜瀵瑰簲鐨勫悕绉板嵆鍙簡锛屽崟鍑荤‘瀹氭寜閽紝瀹屾垚瀵硅閫夊彇妗嗙殑淇濆瓨銆?br />
銆??鑰屼笖鎴戜滑杩樺彲浠ュ彂鐜帮紝瀵逛簬澶氶?鍖虹殑鎿嶄綔鏂瑰紡涔熸瘮杈冨叏闈簡锛?br />
銆??a.娣诲姞鍒版墍閫夎寖鍥达紙瀵逛簬鍏堝墠鐨?Fireworks 鐗堟湰鎴戜滑鏄?杩囬厤鍚圫hift閿潵瀹炵幇娣诲姞閫夊尯鐨勬搷浣滅殑锛夛紱b.浠庢墍閫変腑鍘婚櫎锛堟椤规搷浣滄槸閫氳繃閰嶅悎Alt閿潵瀹炵幇鐨勶級锛沜.涓庢墍閫変氦鍙夛紙姝ら」鎿嶄綔鏄?杩囬厤鍚圓lt+Shift閿潵瀹炵幇鐨勶級鈥濄?
銆??8銆佹帴涓嬫潵锛岄?涓厠闅嗙殑榛勮壊鍦嗙幆璺緞瀵硅薄锛岄?鎷╄彍鍗曗?淇敼|灏嗚矾寰勮浆鎹负閫夊彇妗嗏?鍛戒护锛岀劧鍚庨?鎷╄彍鍗曗?閫夋嫨|淇濆瓨浣嶅浘鎵??鈥濆懡浠わ紝鍛藉悕涓衡?榛勮壊鈥濓紝鍗曞嚮纭畾鎸夐挳銆?br />
銆??9銆佷笉瑕佸彇娑堢紪杈戝尯涓婄殑閫夊彇妗嗭紝鎺ョ潃閫夋嫨鑿滃崟鈥滈?鎷﹟鎭㈠浣嶅浘鎵??鈥濆悕浠わ紝鍦ㄥ脊鍑虹殑鈥滄仮澶嶆墍閫夆?鐨勫璇濇涓紝鍗曞嚮婧愬尯鍩熷唴鈥滄墍閫夆?鐨勪笅鏉ヨ彍鍗曪紝閫夋嫨鈥滆摑鑹测?锛屽湪鎿嶄綔鍖哄煙鍐咃紝灏嗘柟娉曡涓衡?涓庢墍閫変氦鍙夆?,鍗曞嚮纭畾鎸夐挳銆?br />
銆??11銆侀?鍙栧伐鍏风鐨勭煩褰㈤?鍙栨宸ュ叿锛岄厤鍚圓lt閿紝灏嗕笅鏂圭殑鐩镐氦閫夊尯閫変腑锛屼粠鑰屽疄鐜伴?鍖虹殑鍘婚櫎銆?br />
銆??13銆佹帴涓嬫潵閫変腑鍏嬮殕鐨勯粦鑹插渾鐜璞★紝杩樻槸閲嶅涓婇潰鐨勫嚑涓懡浠わ細鍏堟槸閫夋嫨鑿滃崟鈥滀慨鏀箌灏嗚矾寰勮浆鎹负閫夊彇妗嗏?鍛戒护锛岀劧鍚庨?鎷╄彍鍗曗?閫夋嫨|淇濆瓨浣嶅浘鎵??鈥濆懡浠わ紝灏嗗叾鍛藉悕涓衡?榛戣壊鈥濓紝鎺ョ潃閫夋嫨鑿滃崟鈥滈?鎷﹟鎭㈠浣嶅浘鎵??鈥濆悕浠わ紝鍦ㄥ脊鍑虹殑鈥滄仮澶嶆墍閫夆?鐨勫璇濇涓紝鍗曞嚮婧愬尯鍩熷唴鈥滄墍閫夆?鐨勪笅鏉ヨ彍鍗曪紝閫夋嫨鈥滈粍鑹测?锛屽湪鎿嶄綔鍖哄煙鍐咃紝灏嗘柟娉曡涓衡?涓庢墍閫変氦鍙夆?,鍗曞嚮纭畾鎸夐挳銆?br />
銆??19銆佹墽琛屾护闀滆彍鍗曗?鏂滆鍜屾诞闆晐鍐呮枩瑙掆?鍛戒护锛屽叿浣撶殑璁剧疆濡備笅鎵?ず锛?br />
銆??[娉ㄦ剰]锛氬湪瀵归潪浣嶅浘瀵硅薄杩涜鎿嶄綔鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鎴栬?鍦ㄧ紪杈戝尯涓婃病鏈変换浣曢?鍖哄瓨鍦ㄧ殑鎯呭喌涓嬶紝鍗充娇浣犲凡缁忔湁浜嗗涓繚瀛樼殑閫夊彇妗嗭紝鑿滃崟鈥滈?鎷﹟鎭㈠浣嶅浘鎵??鈥濆懡浠や粛鏃т负鐏拌壊鏄剧ず锛屼负涓嶅彲鐢ㄧ姸鎬併?瑙e喅鐨勬柟娉曞氨鏄涔堝垱寤烘柊鐨勯?鍖猴紝瑕佷箞灏辨柊寤轰綅鍥惧湡灞傛垨鑰呭璞★紝浠ユ縺娲昏鑿滃崟鍛戒护銆?br />
銆??[灏忕粨]锛氶?杩囨湰鑺傜殑瀛︿範锛屾劅瑙?Fireworks 8 鍦ㄩ?鍖烘帶鍒躲?鎿嶄綔涓婄殑纭槸鏈変簡涓?畾鐨勮繘姝ワ紝涓嶈繃鐢变簬娌℃湁閫氶亾姒傚康鐨勫紩鍏ワ紝杩欎簺鍔熻兘鎬庝箞鐪嬫潵閮借繕鏄樉寰楀崟钖勮澶氾紝涓嶈繃瀵逛簬鎴戜滑鐨勬棩甯哥殑搴旂敤锛屽彧瑕佽姹備笉鏄お楂樼殑浣嶅浘鍥惧舰澶勭悊锛屽簲璇ユ槸瓒冲搴斾粯鐨勪簡锛屽叿浣撳姛鑳借繕鏄偅鍙ヨ瘽锛氫翰鑷疄璺靛畠锛?br />
銆??浜斻?鑿滃崟鈥滃懡浠鍒涙剰|娣诲姞闃村奖鈥濆懡浠?br />
銆??瀹炰緥3 閫忚鏂囧瓧鐗规晥
銆??婧愭枃浠朵笅杞斤紙72KB, Winzip鍘嬬缉鏂囦欢锛?br />
銆??锛戙?鎵撳紑 Fireworks 8 锛屾柊寤轰竴涓枃浠讹紝澶у皬銆佽儗鏅壊闅忔剰銆?br />
銆??锛掋?鍦ㄧ紪杈戝尯缁樺埗涓?釜鐭╁舰瀵硅薄锛屼綔涓虹紪杈戝尯鐨勮儗鏅?鐭╁舰瀵硅薄閲囩敤绾垮舰娓愬彉濉厖锛屾湰渚嬮噰鐢ㄧ殑濉厖棰滆壊璁剧疆涓衡?#0054C1鈥?#FFFFFF鈥濓紝濉厖鏁堟灉濡備笅鍥炬墍绀猴紙濉厖棰滆壊鍙嚜琛岃瀹氾級銆?br />
銆??锛撱?鍦ㄧ紪杈戝尯杈撳叆鏂囨湰瀵硅薄锛屾湰渚嬫枃鏈璞$殑瀛椾綋閲囩敤浜嗏?Arial Black鈥濓紝骞跺鍏朵篃鍋氫簡娓愬彉濉厖鐨勮瀹氾紝鏈緥鏂囨湰瀵硅薄鐨勫~鍏呴鑹茶缃负鈥?0066CC銆?? #000000鈥濓紝濡備笅鍥炬墍绀恒?
銆??7銆佸崟鍑绘柟鍚戞帶鍒剁偣锛屾坊鍔犵殑闃村奖瀵硅薄浼氳嚜鍔ㄦ仮澶嶅埌鍜岀紪杈戝尯鐨勬枃鏈璞$浉鍚岀殑澶у皬锛屽苟涓旈槾褰卞璞′綅浜庢枃鏈璞$殑涓嬪眰锛屽涓嬪浘鎵?ず銆?br />
銆??9銆佺粡杩囧鏂瑰悜鎺у埗鐐圭殑璋冩暣锛岀紪杈戝尯鐨勯槾褰辨晥鏋滀細濡備笅鍥炬墍绀猴紝閫忚闃村奖鏁堟灉宸茬粡鍩烘湰鍛堢幇浜嗐?濡傛灉瀵逛簬鐩墠鐨勬晥鏋滀笉婊℃剰锛屽彲浠ラ?杩囨嫋鍔ㄦ柟鍚戞帶鍒剁偣鍋氫竴涓繘涓?鐨勮皟鏁达紝涔熷彲浠ュ崟鍑昏鏂瑰悜鎺у埗鐐癸紝鍥炲埌閫忚闃村奖鐨勫師濮嬬姸鎬侊紝鐒跺悗鍐嶉噸鏂拌皟鏁撮?瑙嗛槾褰辩殑鏂瑰悜銆?br />
銆?? Fireworks 8 鐨勮彍鍗曞懡浠や腑锛岃彍鍗曗?鍛戒护|鎵规鎵ц鍛戒护鈥濆懡浠ょ粍锛堟?涔堣繖涔堟嫍鍙o紝鍛靛懙锛夐噷闈㈡暣鍚堜簡11涓浜庡浘褰㈠璞″父瑙佺殑閫夋嫨銆佸彉褰?鍙婂叾婊ら暅鎿嶄綔锛屽叿浣撳唴瀹瑰涓嬪浘鎵?ず锛屼笅闈㈡垜浠緷娆″鍏朵綔涓?釜绠?鐨勪粙缁嶃?
銆??2銆佸弽閫夋墍閫夌殑棰滆壊銆佹ā绯婃墍閫夈?鑷姩鑹查樁璋冩暣鎵??銆侀攼鍖栨墍閫夊懡浠ゃ?甯歌鐨勫嚑涓护闀滃懡浠ら兘闆嗗悎鍦ㄨ繖閲岋紝缁煎悎涓婇潰鐨勫叏閫夊懡浠ょ殑璁剧疆锛屽彲浠ユ帹鏂?Fireworks 8 鍑虹幇璇モ?鎵规鎵ц鍛戒护鈥濊彍鍗曠殑鐢ㄥ績鎵?湪锛屽嵆涓哄垵绾ф搷浣滅敤鎴锋湇鍔★紝蹇?缁欏叾鎻愪緵瀹炵幇鍥惧舰鐗规晥鐨勪竴绉嶉?寰勶紝浠庤繖涓搴︽潵鐪嬬殑璇濓紝杩欏嚑涓懡浠ょ殑璁剧疆杩樼畻鏄瘮杈冨悎閫傦紝涔熺畻鏄瘮杈冨父瑙佷簡銆?br />
銆??[缁撹]锛氶?杩囧涓婇潰鍏粍鑿滃崟鍛戒护鐨勮緝涓鸿缁嗙殑浠嬬粛锛岀浉淇″ぇ瀹跺浜?Fireworks 8 閲岄潰鐨勮彍鍗曞懡浠ゅ凡缁忔湁浜嗕竴涓緝涓哄叏闈㈢殑浜嗚В鍜岃璇嗕簡锛屽笇鏈涘ぇ瀹跺湪瀹炴垬涓兘澶熷揩閫熴?渚挎嵎鐨勫埄鐢ㄨ繖浜涜彍鍗曟潵涓烘垜浠湇鍔°?
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